
wooram-kim avatar image
wooram-kim asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Items are not Virtualized when they are stored by connection A


I found that items are not virtualized when they are moved into a rack through connection A. There is no problem when items are stored by Process Flow. I attached a file (Item Virtualization.fsm).

In the model, there are 3 racks.

Rack 1 : Items are stored by Process Flow and they are virtuallized.

Rack 2 : Items are stored from a Source through connectnion A. They are not virtuallized.

Rack 3 : The 3rd rack is not connected to a Source, but it had been connected before. The items are not virtuallized even though Process Flow is used. I think there is a problem with a rack once the rack is connected to an object before.

Besides, is there a way to virtualize each item individually with flexscript?

Thank you.

FlexSim 24.1.0
storage systemconnection avirtuallization
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

To use port-connections, the storage object must act as a Fixed Resource. When such a connection is created, the option below is activated. This prevents items from being virtualized. (Likely because this also activates the release after a dwell time and the event requires a reference to the item which would be lost upon virtualization)


I am not aware of any command to virtualize items in flexscript.

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