
Joaquín MSV avatar image
Joaquín MSV asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Pull strategy not working when filtering by item age


I have a doubt on how the pull strategy shoud be addressed when applied to a queue (or any other element) if I want to filter by multiple criteria and "age" of item must be included.

Attached is a very simple model with a sourcing queue tha pushes into a global item list and then 3 other queues that demand elements based on the "Type" and "age". If I leave the "Type" filter only in the query, it works perfectly fine, but if I filter by "age" value, no element is pulled.

So, basically why "WHERE Type == 1" works and not "WHERE Type == 1 AND age >= 10" doesn't? Or just "WHERE age >= 10" doesn't work either as query.

Which is the error and the proper way of dealing with filtering dynamic properties like age?

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 24.0.4
queuepull strategylist age
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

The query is evaluated against pushed items once when they are pushed. At that point the age condition is of course not fulfilled, so the item is not pulled and a back order is created. The back order by default only checks newly pushed values.

There are two options that can allow the queues to actually pull something (there are also more complicated solutions, but let's stick with these for now).

You can check the "Reevaluate All Values On Push" which will cause a back order to check all items on the list again when a new one is pushed.

You can also define one or multiple "Back Order Reevaluation Events".


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