
Mario García López avatar image
Mario García López asked Logan Gold commented

Port by Case depending on the central port

I am struggling with this simple exercise. I want a taskexecuter to go to a specific output port, and the other taskexecuter to a different port. How can I do it?


FlexSim 24.2.0
taskexecuterportport by case
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The destination is decided before the task sequence is created and dispatched (Send to Port -> Use Transport).

While you can decide which TE moves the item depending on the port, this might lead to situation where one TE stays idle because all remaining items are headed to the other queue.


By using a list and Process Flow, you can first assign a TE to the item and this then determines the destination. Meaning the availability of the TEs determines the destination.


(Technically you can also change the destination after a TE starts the task sequence. But that requires some more advanced knowledge of Task Sequences and coding in FlexSim.)

2connection-1.fsm (29.1 KiB)
2connection-2.fsm (36.3 KiB)
5 |100000

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