
Dilla Da avatar image
Dilla Da asked Dilla Da commented

Airplane Parking System

capture.png3.pngSimulasi Pesawat.fsm

Hello everyone, can anyone help me in creating the following process flow?

How to create an aircraft parking process flow with the following conditions:

1. Aircraft 01A Coming from Arrival Airplane passes through the lane to the wrong Apron number 4. Aircraft 01 stays in the parking lot for 12 hours.

2. Aircraft 02B Coming from Arrival Airplane passes through the lane to one of the Apron number 6. Then the plane is stationary for 2 hours.

3. Aircraft 03A Coming from Arrival Airplane passes through the lane to one of the Apron number 8. Then the aircraft is idle for 5 hours.

4. On arrival of aircraft 03A. Aircraft 02B departs / flies to AIRPLANE OFF.

FlexSim 22.2.0
processs flowparkingairplane
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Dilla Da,

It looks like this question may be part of a homework assignment or academic project. The professors who assign simulation modeling exercises using FlexSim expect that the academic integrity of their assignments will be maintained. In addition, we are supportive of Honor Codes or Pledges that regulate the behavior surrounding academic assignments.

I recommend reading our best practices page on the subject, which includes some resources that you should find helpful as you use FlexSim for academic purposes. I also highly recommend Dr. Allen Greenwood's FlexSim Primer, which was written specifically for students and professors.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Dilla Da commented

Here's a basic example of how the logic could be build. Important labels like destination and staytime are assigned as token labels in the Source.

Since not every parking location has its own Network Node, two of the planes wait at the same location currently.


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Dilla Da avatar image Dilla Da commented ·

If every arriving plane occupies an empty/unoccupied apron, how do they do it?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Dilla Da commented ·

You can use a shared asset (Resource or List) to represent the aprons and assign each plane a free apron upon arrival.

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Dilla Da avatar image Dilla Da commented ·

Hello sir, How to read the output on the dashboard Queue/ _02A, _06A etc?

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