
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Default logic transporter movement sequence

What happens in the attached model regarding the logic of the transporter in decision-making?

Why does it first go to carry boxes from the loading dock to the warehouses?
Why does it decide, at a certain point (starting from the fourth movement), to supply the gravity flow rack?

Thanks in advance.

CP 14 Logistica Interna 20240809_1.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.1
transporterlogic movementsequence movementtask excuters
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

All transport tasks are given a priority of 0 and are set to "Do Not Preempt". With those settings being equal across all task sequences the transporter simply starts them in the order they were created/received.

This in turn depends on the timing of the item creation. Currently all items are created at time 0. Due to the Minimum Dwell Time on the racks and floor storages also introducing a delay of 0s, all items get created and moved to the racks before any are released further.

The four storage objects then each pull items in a round robin fashion as long as there is supply available, resulting in the ordering you see.

If you were to add a second 0s delay to the right side of the Process Flow, the gravity flow rack would get to pull first before the items in "Muelle Descarga" are created.

If you increased the delay to be larger than 0, the gravity flow rack would even get to pull as many items as it can hold before the other storage objects get any input.

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