
tristan-dionis avatar image
tristan-dionis asked tristan-dionis commented

export data state of dashboard to Global Table

Context :

I have a production line with a "STATE" indicator which collects for each machine on the line the percentage of time per category on the simulation
Example :
My objective is to retrieve this data in percentage by category and by machine in the form of a table to find the time corresponding to the breakdown of the line (Sum of breakdown times for each machine).

Problem :

In the settings of this indicator, in "Advanced" --> View Table
It is this result that I would like to retrieve in a Global Table and convert into time but I cannot display it in a Global Table.

Do you have an idea either to export this Table in a global Table or to simply recover the outage times with a Statistics collector for example ?

FlexSim 24.2.0
statistic collectorglobaltabledata
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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered tristan-dionis commented

Maybe you could use a Composite State chart:


In the screenshot below, the breakdown time from the composite state chart is 442 seconds:


Which is actually the sum of the breakdown times of processors 1 and 2 (124 + 318).

1724158945292.png (3.9 KiB)
1724160984620.png (67.6 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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