
Eusebio avatar image
Eusebio asked Eusebio commented

How to keep the maximum content of Queue 2 at 5 from process flow?

In the 3D model, Queue2 is configured with a maximum of 5 pieces. Arrivals are every second and are configured from the Process Flow. The problem is that the maximum content of the Queue is not respected.

Could you help me with this problem?

Thank you very much

Nueva version 2022.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
queueprocesss flowmax content
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Mauricio Aranda avatar image
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Mauricio Aranda answered Eusebio commented

Hello, Eusebio.
In this case, when we use a hybrid model that combines 3D logic and Process Flow logic, they will compete. Because for FlexSim Process Flow has more weight, it will not take into consideration any 3D logic if PF says otherwise.
What we could do to restrain the amount of items on a queue is use "Zones". Heres an example.

Maximum content with Zones.fsm

Hope this helps!

· 1
5 |100000

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Eusebio avatar image Eusebio commented ·

Thank you very much, your comment was very useful.

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