
CHRISTIAN B3 avatar image
CHRISTIAN B3 asked CHRISTIAN B3 commented

How to change a 3D text´s "Text Display" from an external code or process flow

I need to change the text of a 3D text display not from the text code editor (cause I think is not viable), but rather from an external code, like process flow. In the model attached I used a code in a trigger. When a box arrives at the decision point, the trigger code wants to change the text. I tried in 2 ways:

1) with the deprecated command setnodestr(node, text) with no result, and

2) with texttreenote.value = newtext, in this case the 3D text moves somewhere else in the model, and cannot find it anymore....

I think the text code editor is not a viable option, cause the texts I need to show are stored inside a global table (eg: process statuses and stock values that I cannot reference with the predefined options), and the moment of the text update is triggered by tokens...

FlexSim 24.0.1
visual textdynamic text
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered CHRISTIAN B3 commented

The easiest option would be to set the text to display the value of a label and change the label.


In your code "textnode" is a pointer to the text object. By setting its value you overwrite the object data with a string, essentially deleting the object.

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CHRISTIAN B3 avatar image CHRISTIAN B3 commented ·
Thanks for the answer, it accomplishes the objective I have that is to change the text from an external code. I was looking for a command like: treenode.command, and yours is treenode.label... that is fine as well. Thanks again.
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Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K answered CHRISTIAN B3 commented


In my recent projects, I executed this logic in the same way that @Felix Möhlmann is suggesting now, by creating a label for the 'Text' and accessing its value at Display Text.

"I am attaching the model. Here’s what I did:

  1. Created a label for the Text and added custom code in the DisplayText (in text Properties) column to access its value.

  2. Upon arrival trigger, I set the value to change the 'Old Text' to 'New Text'.

  3. On model reset trigger, I am rechanging the label value to 'Old Text'

Text Change_SVK.fsm

text-change.mp4 (6.5 MiB)
text-change-svk.fsm (40.4 KiB)
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CHRISTIAN B3 avatar image CHRISTIAN B3 commented ·
Thanks, I needed to reset the value at reset. You helped me !
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