
Flavio Campedelli avatar image
Flavio Campedelli asked Larissa Giotti answered

Combine two or more items in a workstation on a conveyor

BRUM.fsmHello, could someone help me with this assembly line? I need operator 2 to combine the item that is in queue 2 with the item that arrives at station 1. I found this topic, but it was not very clear to me how to do this:

FlexSim 24.2.1
assembly linestationcombine
brum.fsm (64.2 KiB)
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Larissa Giotti avatar image
Larissa Giotti answered

As suggested in the response of the other support, it is possible to do this using Process Flow.

Follow below a suggestion to combine the itens. You can use the EventTriggered Source to assign the Tote to a token label, the ItemList orders the pull of the items from queue 2 and the combination of both itens is performed by the Move Object, moving the clipboard to inside the Tote.


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Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 answered

Hi, you can control this from process flow, using move object activity... demo attached


brum-rev.fsm (71.7 KiB)
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