
Gilles avatar image
Gilles asked Felix Möhlmann answered

issue with creating a spiral conveyor using code


I am using a code to create a spiral conveyor connected to a straight conveyor. the issue is when I create the spiral, it moves away from the start location I have set. you can see this on FlexSim model I have attached (see the script I am using to create the spiral)


FlexSim 23.2.0
flexcriptmove issuespiral conveyor
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Setting the start angle, sweep angle or radius of a curved conveyor will also change its start and end location. Setting the start and end location is only needed to get the correct height. (Depending on the current sign of the sweep angle, setting the x- and y-coordinate to the target values might not even be possible). The rest is determined by the other parameters plus the total "location", which is the center of the circle the curve follows.

So after adjusting all other parameters you need to finalize the position by setting the location.


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