
j08j avatar image
j08j asked j08j commented

How can I edit FlowItem quantity in flexscript?

How can I change this step into code?screenshot-2024-03-13-at-11220-am.png

This is my code:screenshot-2024-03-13-at-11355-am.png

it can only run one product when I run model.

FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered j08j commented

The arrival table is stored as a node table in the source's variables attribute node.


If you cast the node as table you can use the normal table syntax to change the entries.

  1. Object source = ...; // Insert a way to reference the source here
  2. Table sourceArrivals = source.find(">variables/schedule");
  3. sourceArrivals[1][3] = 15;

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