
EssoN avatar image
EssoN asked Jeanette F commented

Send items based on its name from one Conveyor to another Conveyor

Hi everyone,
I want to set a condition, so that an item is sent to a specific conveyor based on the
I declared all the arrivals in the source - e.g. when which item is scheduled to come into the system.

Now I am at a point, where i want to send each item from a conveyor to another (specific) conveyor. Each will have it's own conveyor. How can I do that? I had the idea to use a Trigger on the first conveyor (on entry) and express it as a If-condition - but I am not that familiar with the coding in FlexSim...

Thank you!

FlexSim 24.2.2
conveyorconditionseparate conveyingif
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

To send items to a specific point in a conveyor system you use decision points (or photo eyes). One of these sends the item in its "On Arrival" trigger while others serve as a reference as to where to send the item.


You can also check out the conveyor tutorial for more information.

(While using the item name for routing is possible, using numerical labels instead can save some typing. In the example above, you could use labels from 1-5 which directly denote the connection rank.)


conveyor-send.fsm (40.3 KiB)
conveyor-send-1.fsm (40.2 KiB)
· 5
5 |100000

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EssoN avatar image EssoN commented ·
Hi, thank you for the advice! :)

Can I use it also with a lift between the conveyors?

And: Does it also work with an "OR" in the "On Arrival" trigger? So that the item takes either one path or another?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann EssoN commented ·

'Sending' items only works if the target is in the same conveyor 'network'. Using a lift requires an a-connection between two conveyors, meaning they not part of the same network. There you would send the items to the respective Exit Transfers. If the items were to be split up again on the conveyor after the lift, that decision would have to be separate.

You can use statistical distributions to randomly send an item to one of multiple possible destinations.


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conveyor-send-2.fsm (44.4 KiB)
EssoN avatar image EssoN Felix Möhlmann commented ·

This is what the decision point is about to look like. Basically it's a mix between both files, that you gave me as an example.

I connected the decision points with each other (DPs as Output Ports of the first one) and also connected the front conveyor with those behind the lift. But somehow all items are still being sent to the lowest conveyor...did I miss something?

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