
Kelvin Barbosa avatar image
Kelvin Barbosa asked Kelvin Barbosa answered

Floworks: Berth Logic


I'm making a barge operation model using the Berth Logic template, but the barge doesn't stay in the same position as the berth. How can I adjust this?Berth_Logic.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
proces flowFloWorks
berth-logic.fsm (68.3 KiB)
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Jesús Padilla avatar image
Jesús Padilla answered

Hi Kelvin!

If I understood correctly this is your desired visualization:


It is just a matter of the position that the vessel ends up when you "send" it through the A-connected queue object. To fix it you just need to add a set rotation action in the plus button of the Change Visual activity inside the Basic Berth template. In that way you make sure that the vessel is correctly orientated with 0 degrees on x and y and 180 in the z axis rotation.



Hope this solves your question!

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Kelvin Barbosa avatar image
Kelvin Barbosa answered

Thank you very much Jésus Padilla

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