
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Logan Gold commented

Access labels in the backorders of a list

Hi, I am trying to read the value of a label ("Status") of every backorder item in a list.

I have tried this code with no success:

List Lista = List("MBV");

pt("Lenght: "); pd(Lista.backOrders().length); pr();

for(int i = 1; i <= Lista.backOrders().length; i++)




could you please help?

thank you

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

I would try to evaluate label values of a list

a. by a table query

b. by a list query with SELECT clause to get access to field values of this list, otherwise you get only access to the entry value itself. If this value is the ownerobject of your label, then you can read this value.

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