
Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns asked Phil BoBo edited

Z-Shaped Lines in CAD Import


A client is experiencing an issue where some lines in a CAD file are not appearing as straight lines when imported into FlexSim. Instead, they have Z-shaped forms.

We have tested this with different versions of FlexSim and AutoCAD (the model has been created and only modified in AutoCAD).

I have attached photos of a model without the Autodesk InterOp, another with it installed, and lastly, what is seen from AutoCAD.

1734093437757.png24.0 or 25.0 (same problem)

1734093659698.png24.2 With ADSK Interop1734093579050.pngAutoCadIf necessary, I can send the CAD files and models privately.

For now, the most important thing for us is to understand why this is happening with this model so that we can modify the CAD, prevent it from occurring, and move forward with the project.

Thank you for your assistance!!!

FlexSim 25.0.0
cad layout
1734093437757.png (12.0 KiB)
1734093579050.png (103.8 KiB)
1734093659698.png (20.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

This is a floating point precision issue. Your lines are far away from the drawing's origin.

In AutoCAD, move the objects in the drawing closer to the origin so that you have more precision in the distance between your points.

See Importing CAD Drawings and Floor Plans (

AutoCAD is a parametric CAD renderer. FlexSim is a scalable mesh renderer. AutoCAD calculates how to draw the lines/curves based on the view's position. For performance of large models with many objects and meshes, FlexSim passes the raw position values of lines/triangles directly to the graphics card to render without precise parametric recalculations of CAD formulas and data. So for best results, you need to prepare your data before importing, as described in the documentation above.

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