
Jimmy jang avatar image
Jimmy jang asked Jimmy jang commented

Pull from list question

Flexsim Question 1221.fsmGood Day.

Currently i am making Conveyor model and i am struggling with pulling designated item from designated container.

First I have used pushed subnodes.toArray() before pulling.

When Tote arrives at Photoeye

i am using WHERE Type BETWEEN AND to pull out item with matching labels

However i would like to pull out item from designated Container but i am struggling with it

Please see the attached file ( on RUN TIME 112sec, the Operator2 starts picking item before the tote arrives).

I assume the pulling event already executed before...


Thank you for your help in advance.

Also i have question one more question about below picture.

Is this query incorrect? may i know how write it in correct way?


Thank you in advance

FlexSim 25.0.0
pull from list
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jimmy jang commented

BETWEEN XX AND YY has been answered in your previous question. Additional you can limit results to an object name being in upper node from your result array.

token.pulled-array contains boxes. You restrict this by = StraightConveyor1 as an added condition.

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Jimmy jang avatar image Jimmy jang commented ·
Thank you for the answer. i will try to use your method.

currently i am getting familiar with pull/push list.

My my question, i have put extra label and use WHERE to pull to designated item from designated container.

Thank you!

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