
Morast avatar image
Morast asked Morast answered

Acquire a location as a group instead of as an individual


please help, how can I make each group acquire the location and flow as a group instead of each individual within the group alone.

FlexSim 23.0.15
acquire resourcegroupslocation
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Morast a group can consist of objects that are available and inaccessible objects. How will your code distinguish what objects should acquire resources if it does not test nor do this individually for each group member. An Acquire Resource object has got a SQL coded query field to support individual test on your group members, but it is a test on each member and not a test on the group as a whole.
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1 Answer

Morast avatar image
Morast answered

I just did it thanks anyway

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