
Francis Yang avatar image
Francis Yang asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Combiner with different qty per discrete empirical

I'm trying to use combiner1 to create the batch of different size that follows a discrete empirical distribution, then I'll separate them so I can process the box one by one. Later I want to recombine the same size of batch following the order at combiner2.

1. How can I set the combine qty following this empirical?

2. How can I capture the batch size value, set the label to the container, and use this container label for second combiner qty?

Here attached the sample model, and for some reason the operator is being blocked in the middle of modeling, I set him 4 tasks with priority respectively, not sure what went wrong.

Trial Case Batch with Combiner.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.2
custom combinerbatchsize
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Check out the "Update Combiner Component List" option in the combiner's On Entry trigger. It contains the necessary code to set the target batch quantity.

Instead of reading it from a table, you would then adjust the code to generate a value from the empirical distribution, set it as the target quantity and write it as a label to the tote. In the second combiner use the same code to set the target quantity but read the value from the tote's label.


The process gets stuck because using operators for setup and/or process while the maximum content is larger than one is not supported. (This is only mentioned in a small info box in the documentation about the processor, so it's easy to miss.) If the processes are independent from each other (other items keep processing while a new one is setup) then simply using multiple processors at the same location will work better.

5 |100000

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