
Łukasz E avatar image
Łukasz E asked Jake W commented

Set custom quantity on a combiner


I want to pack different amount of items on a combiner, based on a itemtype.

I used model in an attachment to do this, but I think after an update it is not working.

Anyone have an idea why?


custom combinerquantitycombiner component list
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jake W commented

The attribute itemtype has been changed from itemtype to a standard label Type


If you let run the model, please be sure you set at least at the Combiner Component List the target quantity at the start to 1.

· 2
5 |100000

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Łukasz E avatar image Łukasz E commented ·

That's the point!.

Thank you very much!

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Jake W avatar image Jake W commented ·

@Jörg Vogel how could I solve the same issue when the boxes come from a Queue (Queue5) instead of a source? I need Queue2 to have a batch size of 3 sent through Combiner1 to the Bake process, but the batch sizes for Queue3 and Queue4 must remain at 6. I attached my model


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cut-process-j.fsm (49.2 KiB)
gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered gilbert jerald commented

@Łukasz E ·


I have made some correction on your model and I have reattached it for your reference.


Since this logic is function based on the item type number you have to set the item type in the Pallet that generated from the source. Then for updating the combiner target quantity based on the item type, you have to create a global table in the format as it is done in the new attached model.



· 2
5 |100000

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Łukasz E avatar image Łukasz E commented ·

@gilbert jerald

Thank you.

But the model I attached was more flexible and it was working on FlexSim 17. You don't have to set the pallet type on a source.

Because in your updated model you have to change the amount of pallet and set them the exact types you need. when you will simulate many types of different production plans, these changes will be a little bit harmful.

The best way, as in my model, it should be like the first item on a pallet determine the amount of items to be packed. So there you can have the same pallets (with inter-arrivaltime 0) and you don't have to care about it. But I don't know how to change it, maybe the first item on the combiner can set the pallet type. But I don't need pallet types to send them to different output. One output is fine for me. I just need to have different amount of items on a combiner.

Thanks for help!

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gilbert jerald avatar image gilbert jerald Łukasz E commented ·

@Łukasz E

The combiner should be updated with the target quantity at the time of pallet entry. If you update the combiner target quantity at the arrival of the first item, then the combiner logic will not work.

More ever getitemtype(item) is a Deprecated comment that will work in 2017version but not in 2019 version. instead of that, you have to get the value in label format.

Based on your feedback I have altered the model. Now check whether it is working as you expect.



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