
gilbert jerald avatar image
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gilbert jerald asked Sam Stubbs commented

How to have quantity represented in a label?

In my model item type 1 consist of 1 person , and 2 consist of 2 person ,3 consist of 3 person, 4 consist of 4 person, 5 consist of 5 person .and there is different percentage for each item type to arrival ,but the problem is when running this model it shows the output quantity based on number of flow items, but i want the output quantity based on person inside each the item type (for example if item type 3 arrives the output should show 3 not as 1). How do I make this? (Note this is in conjunction with another question here. )

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered gilbert jerald commented

@gilbert jerald

Attached is a sample model that does what you describe. It shows a Text visual with the number of the Total Output of people as well as a bar graph showing in a Dashboard. If you have any questions on how this was done, please let me know but it is pretty simple using labels.


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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

So the "Output" value is meant to show specifically the output of flow items in a model. If you want the output to represent the number of people based on the itemtype quantity one way you could accomplish this would be to use a Separator object. Have the Separator right near the sink, and have it "split" the item by creating a number of new items based on itemtype who then are also moved into the sink.

Alternatively you could use Process Flow to do this as well. I'm attaching an example that would demonstrate using Process Flow to create multiple items based on item quantity.


labelqtyexample.fsm (19.1 KiB)
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