
Joaquín MSV avatar image
Joaquín MSV asked Joaquín MSV commented

Restrict License Allocation on Specific Client - FlexNet Publisher

Hello all,

I have a license in a server in my company that is configured like the general manual explans (lmadmin). That license can be used concurrently with whatever PC that is in the same VLAN or have access to the virtual server (via firewall rules). So far we have worked like this, with the inconvenience that whoever that has configured the server address in their FlexSim installation, can get the license as long as he's the first opening the program on a given moment.

My question is if in the tool suggested by FlexSim to allocate licenses (lmadmin, FlexNet Publisher), is there a way of tracking who connects, creating a list of validated users, etc. I don't see anything in the documentation or playing around with the UI of FlexNet.

We are planning to add more concurrent licenses and a proper control is needed within the company.

Thanks in advance for your help.

FlexSim 25.0.2
licensing serverclientflexnet
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Joaquín MSV commented

Hi @Joaquín MSV,

As Joerg suggests, an Options file can do what you specify in your title: restrict license allocation by client PC.

If you search this community for "options file" you will find several Q&As that could suggest ideas how to use the options file to accomplish your goal. Here is a good one:

Using the options file on a license server - FlexSim Community

Not every bit of syntax in every Q&A will be good, so cross reference against the actual documentation found at chapter 13. Managing the Options File in the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

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