
Elax Kot avatar image
Elax Kot asked David Seo answered

How to implement storage?

Hi all, I have a model with storage racks. Source -> Processor 1 -> Storage Racks -> Processor 2 -> Sink

From the source, there is a processor which will start first and allocate one/two storage rack to a specific batch. Each batch has X amount of materials and each rack can only hold 20 kg of them. Should there be no storage racks with sufficient capacity, then the batch will be held before the processor. If there is, then the rack will be occupied and the batch will be routed into the rack after it is done processing. Currently, I use queues and global tables to block the racks and track them. I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing so? Thanks!

FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

You can solve your issue by using Peocess Flow library activities - developing your logic.

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