
houda avatar image
houda asked Felix Möhlmann answered

dispatching rules

i have a queue which collect boxes to dispatch them to three machines , each machine needs 3 boxes when available , what trigger should i add to the queue to make it dispatch 3 boxes to machines one by a time which means the first three boxes go to the first machine , the second three boxes go to the second machine and the third 3 boxes go to the third machine "a loop"

FlexSim 25.0.3
queuesmachinedispatching rule
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can start out with the "Round Robin" option in the Send to Port field. Then edit the code to only change the target port every third item.


The counter label that is used to determine the port still counts up by 1 with every item. But it is divided by the batch size to get the port rank and is reset only after each port has received a full batch.


capture1.png (30.4 KiB)
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