
juliategami avatar image
juliategami asked João Dias answered

Operator usage by time

RampUp.fsmHello, I hope everyone is well

I am making a simulation model of a ramp line, and I would like a graph of operator usage, by time (in hours or minutes). Would this be possible?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 24.2.1
operatordashboardsstatistics collectors
rampup.fsm (197.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

João Dias avatar image
João Dias answered

Hi Julia

Yes, it's possible to make this type of graph, one option would be to use the dashboards available in flexsim, as shown in the image, I selected the type of dashboard I wanted and then just added the resources I wanted to track. I suggest exploring these dashboard templates a bit more.

Another efficient way to do this is to use Statistic Collector, so I suggest following up this ticket in which the question is similar to yours and using this tool:

1741885880567.png (298.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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