I am trying to build a Sync-Up Index Conveyor with two parallel conveyors. The first conveyor has five stations, and the second conveyor also has five stations. The stations on both conveyors are placed at 2-meter intervals, and each conveyor is 11 meters long.
My question is: How can I ensure that both conveyors run in parallel? Both conveyors must move and stop simultaneously. Parts should not accumulate; each part must wait until all parts in both conveyors have completed processing before the conveyors can index forward. The conveyors should move only when all stations on both conveyors have completed their respective processes.
At the end of the conveyor, an operator needs to pick up the parts from both conveyors one by one. At the beginning, two operators need to place the parts at Station 1 on each conveyor.
I tried removing the Accumalating option still it does'nt work.