
Amanda Prado avatar image
Amanda Prado asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Unload batch with same label just once

Unload batch with same label just once.fsmUnload batch with same label just once.fsmHello Everyone,

I think my question is simple, but I'm not able to configure it correctly.

The process consists of 4 items being output from a tester. When an item fails, the robot should leave that item in queue 3 and the other items in queue 2. However, the robot is not leaving the batches all at once. For example, it loads 4 items, but the third item in the input order is the one it said, so it will leave 2 items in queue 2, leave one in queue 3 and then return to leave the other item in queue 2 again. I would like it to do a single operation per queue, that is, it will load the batch with 4, but when it goes to queue 2, it will leave everything that is "pass" and when it goes to queue 3, it will leave everything that is "Fail" and not go back and forth, as this does not optimize the robot's use.

I would also like the first step to be to leave the items in queue 3 (Fail) and then leave them in queue 2 (Pass).

Model attached.

Thank you very much!

FlexSim 25.0.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Like in one of the presented solutions to your previous question, you can use a list. When pulling the task sequences from the list they can be ordered by the involved item's type. In this case in descending order so passed items are pulled before failed ones, because the unloading will happen in the reverse order of the loading.

You probably want to use a speed based motion method for the robot. Each load task involves an offset travel that will take the specified time regardless of distance if "Move Time" or "Motion Paths" is used.


Alternatively, you keep the "Move Time" option but build a custom task sequence in Process Flow that only travels to the first item to be loaded/unloaded and moves the others through the "Move Object" activity.


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