
Zixuan Xiong avatar image
Zixuan Xiong asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Array Index from Array Value

How can I get the index number in an array based on the array value?

For example the array label showing below. Is there a function can search token id: 1050 inside a array and return the index value 2?

FlexSim 7.7.4
codearrayarray index
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1 Answer

LeGrand Gold avatar image
LeGrand Gold answered Zixuan Xiong commented

Put the following in the Value field of an Assign Labels activity:

  1. treenodearray pallets = getlabel(token, "pallet");
  2. return findmatch(arraysize(pallets), gettokenid(pallets[count]) == 1050);

You can read more about findmatch in the user manual. Basically, it is a for loop that returns the count where the second parameter was true. In this case, it returns the count where it found token ID 1050.

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