
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Phil BoBo edited

Find the value returned by the rack placeIn functions

I am building a model with an ASRS vehicle and I would like the ASRS to be able to do the load/unload of multiple items in one go. The ASRS is actually able to pick up four pallets at once and I would like to simulate this. I tried to use the normal visualization that is native to the ASRS, but it picks up the flowitems one at a time, when I want to drive the extension into the rack and pick up all maximally four items in one go. For me it however is enough if extension drive is not visible and I just calculate the correct time it takes for the extension to pick up the items.

My model is working as I would like it to for the load, i.e. the time is the same no matter if I pick up one, two, three or four items at the same time. However,for unload I do not know where I can access the bay where the item is going to, so I do not know how to check if the next item is going to the same place as the previous one, which should cause the unload time to be zero.

It seems that the item>itemtype node could contain the bay and level information that I will need (which are the values returned by the place in level and place in bay functions of the rack), but I am not sure if this is the case. Are the values in the item>itemtype node the values returned by the place in bay and place in level triggers on the rack that I am unloading to? And in which order in that case? If not, then where can I found this information?

FlexSim 16.0.1
rackasrsplace in bayplace in levelitem data
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

The getitemstate() and getitemvar() commands are used to access the values under the item's itemtype node. These values are modified by the objects that contain the item as the item is processed by those objects.

Depending on the timing of when you are calling these functions, you might be able to use getitemvar(item,1) to get the bay and getitemvar(item,2) to get the level.

You might also be able to use rackgetbayofitem() and rackgetlevelofitem().

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