
Craig DIckson avatar image
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Craig DIckson asked Matthew Gillespie answered

wait for either of two events in process flow

How can I use a Wait For Event to wait for either of two events? I want my process to wake up when either of the two lists it can work on changes. I can make it wake up on one event or the other, using "On Entry" on the "Push to List". But I need it to wake up if either list changes.

Right now I just have it delay and check periodically, but that feels like a hack.



FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowwait for event
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

One Wait For Event activity can listen to multiple events (on different objects even).

In this screenshot I'm listening to the On Push of two different Lists:

waitforevent.png (18.6 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Adrian Haws commented

Maybe you can duplicate your both lists and fit them into only one other list.

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Craig DIckson avatar image Craig DIckson commented ·

I thought of using a single list, but I think it would make the model very hard to follow, and it would greatly complicate my queries (I suppose you could use partitions, but I already am using partitions for other purposes). Also, I have had had much better success triggering off of "push to list" activities than off of the lists themselves.)

Is there a way I could trigger off of a global variable, and then update that variable as a token enters either list? It wasn't clear to me how to do that in the "wait for event" PF activity.

(FWIW, what I really want is something like the old SIMAN wait / signal. (Yes, I have been doing this that long!) What makes that nice is the sleeping entity is completely passive, requiring no processor time at all. Rather than listening for a change at every event, it sleeps, and the other code affirmatively wakes it with a specific command. (Kind of like poking someone to wake them up, rather than them sitting awake on the couch until they hear you walk in.)


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