
Ahmed Azab avatar image
Ahmed Azab asked sumanth agera answered

how to get the average system time for each hour in the model ?

I want to estimate the average time the an item will spend in the system for each hour. i have a scheduled arrival process for one day and i have one queue , one serever , and one processor. i want to evaluate the average time that an item may stay in the system if it arrives in this hour or the next hour and so on .

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
arrivalsstay timeby hour
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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered

In standard FlexSim this is very easy to do. Just create a new dashboard and drag out a "Time In System vs Time" chart.

However, if you're using FlexSim CT there isn't this functionality. See this answer about receiving support for FlexSim CT.

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sumanth agera avatar image
sumanth agera answered

@Adrian Haws But when we have more than one itemtype and more number of processor and queues, how efficient will be the data obtained from the graph. I'm not able to distinguish between the lines. Screen shot as attached.


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