
Osman Eralp avatar image
Osman Eralp asked Adrian Haws answered

How do I set a destination without using ports?

In my model, I have been using "Send To Port -> By Expression" to set the destination of a flow item. However, I need to add dozens more destinations. I don't want to have to draw all of the port connections by hand because I know I will make mistakes. Is there a way to set a destination without requiring port connections? I was thinking of using an OnEntry trigger, but I can't figure out the syntax. I'm using the AGV Process Flow if that makes a difference.



FlexSim 16.1.2
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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws commented ·

@Osman Eralp There are many different ways to set up the flow logic from one fixed resource to another. What specifically are you trying to accomplish?

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Osman Eralp avatar image Osman Eralp Adrian Haws commented ·

@Adrian Haws I have 100 different types flow items that come into a warehouse. Any item can arrive at any one of 10 docks. Each type flow item must be sent via AGV to one of 50 destinations in the factory based on a routing table. For example, an instance of flow item type #1 should go to rack #30. I might need to change the rack numbers in the future. That is why I was hoping to use a routing table. I am also using the AGV process flow. I went through all the tutorials, but I can't figure out how to access the destination of an item. TIA!

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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered

If I understand your problem correctly, you could send the items to a list, then have each AGV pull from the list. In your Process Flow you can then reference a global table cell based on the item type, in which you have your different destinations. Then the AGV would travel and unload to that destination. That way you can contain the logic in the Process Flow and not use ports. Here's how you might reference that:

var rack = gettablestr("GlobalTable1", getlabel(token, "itemtype"), 1);
return node(rack, model());

You can also refer to a global table in the "Send to Port" trigger of a fixed resource, but that would be using output ports. However, you can rearrange the order of the output ports in the "General" tab of your fixed resource.

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