
Sylvia Huang avatar image
Sylvia Huang asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to set patient labels as patient destination correctly?

I am working on an analysis where a patient would have a list of locations to be transferred/overflowed to based on their providers. So I am creating a table matrix to store the location preferences for each patient type (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Then I have create a few labels for each patient to store their preferred units upon arrival (Figure 2):

Figure 2

However, when I use the drop-down menu in the patient track to determine patient destination based on destination status (Figure 3), the patients are not moving to the destination as I hoped, and I found the final destination array was not filled in the coding (Figure 4). Is it because the code is trying to fill a node array with a text value? Is there anyway we can translate those locations stored in the table to this final destination array? Thanks!

Figure 3

Figure 4

@Jim Montgomery

@Lou Keller

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Change the getlabelvalue command to getlabel, then it should work.

It still won't show up in debugger when you look at the finalDestArray though, this is because Areas are stored as integers and that pickoption is storing the destinations in a treenodearray. It's still getting the correct value out in the end, but the debugger doesn't think its a valid treenode.

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