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0 Likes" asked Ben Wilson answered

Failure to install FlexSim HC 5.1.0

Hi, FlexSimers

I had problem to install the latest upgrade of FlexSim HC 5.1.0. After I initiated the installation, it said "installation cancelled" few seconds later. I couldn't uninstall the current 5.0.12 version neither.

Do you have similar problems? Do you know how to install the updates?

Thank you.


FlexSim HC 5.1.0
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Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered

This article gives general tips for fixing installation and startup issues.

It includes the suggestion to get all the latest Windows updates, as well as some other things to try. This sort of error usually has its roots in something simple like a full hard drive or not enough permissions.

If you try all these and still can't install the software, please let us know.

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Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered

I'm not sure this is your problem or not, but we have had users who after installation will get error messages about missing DLL's. We updated some things in this version of the software that require the latest Microsoft Windows updates be installed to work properly. This is explained in more detail at the following post: Not sure if this is your problem, but it is worth a try...

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