
Michael Kramer avatar image
Michael Kramer asked Francesco S answered

AGV Charge Stations

Hello, I need help implementing a better AGV charge station. Currently it works, but has some issues and I'd like some help improving it. Currently by "work" I mean that when an AGV arrives at a control point that is designated as a "ChargeStation" in the "Way Point" menu, it will begin charging. The problem is that it will continue charging even if it is not on a control point. In the video I've attached you can see that AGV03 is charging even though it is off a control point and in motion. The logic I would like to have is to check if the AGV is stopped on a control point (0 speed) and if it's been there for more than X seconds, then begin charging, otherwise don't charge. This will eliminate a "drive-by" charging scenario, which isn't realistic. The .zip file contains the model and a short video of the issue (


FlexSim 16.0.1
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anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The AGV's internal logic only changes the charging state either when the battery level reaches 100% or when the AGV starts a new travel task. In this model, the AGV hasn't finished its current travel operation, and thus doesn't start a new travel operation. When it arrives at the charging station, its current task is to travel to PUQ_Line1, not the charging station control point. It decelerates to stop at the charging station because you've designated the charging station way point as "Always Fire". This causes all AGVs to stop at the way point so they can fire the arrival way point, whether or not that is the final destination of their travel task. So the AGV stops at the point, fires the way point logic, then continues to its destination. It doesn't start a new travel task, so it doesn't change its charging state. I would suggest changing the way point's trigger criterion to something like "Empty at Destination", instead of "Always Fire".

FYI, in FlexSim 2016 Update 1, due to be released in the next few weeks, there will be a new template AGV process flow for controlling AGVs. With this we will encourage users to move away from using way points for AGV control, and instead to use process flow. This will allow users to implement control logic from the perspective of the AGV, which is much more intuitive than the current mechanism of implementing control logic from the perspective of the control points the AGVs pass over. The provided template process flow includes automatic logic that does battery charging.

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Francesco S avatar image
Francesco S answered

I have exactly the same problem but I don t know how to change the trigger from always on fire to empty at destination.

can anybody show with a picture?

thank you

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Mathilde DOUSSET avatar image
Mathilde DOUSSET answered Michael Kramer commented
@Michael Kramer


How do you make to display the charge of battery of AGV?

Thank you!

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