
Sergio Gallegos avatar image
Sergio Gallegos asked Phil BoBo commented

Any library or web page to download and change operator (file of FBX), for example, like a doctor, secretary women, worker man, etc?

FlexSim 16.2.1
downloadweb communicationimporting fbx file
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Phil BoBo commented

The short answer to your question is no, there isn't a downloadable library of operator shapes. There are a couple of options for you though.

First, you can always change the operator from Male to Female in the operator's properties. And you can obviously change their shirt color. So that can give a differentiation to your operators if you need.

Alternatively, you could download a trial version of FlexSim HealthCare and go into the libraries there to find shapes for Doctors and Nurses etc. (Program Files > FlexSimHC5.x > modules > HC is the path to get to the custom HC shapes and animations) From what I understand though, the shapes in FlexSim HC are just different body part shapes, combined together and animated to create the different staff and patient appearances. So it might take a bit of work to put together the look you're going for, but it IS an option as well.

Good luck.

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