
Jason Merschat avatar image
Jason Merschat asked Matt Long edited

How do I edit the Model Tree to move a subordinate Object up the hierarchy?

I added Processors over a Plane in the Model View and it placed them "inside" or under the hierarchy for that plane. Now when I build dashboards, the name is very long as it contains the hierarchy path. How can I move these objects to the proper level in the hierarchy? I tried to copy and paste, then delete the old object, and also delete the plane. Neither worked.

FlexSim 16.2.2
model tree
fs-model-tree.png (49.2 KiB)
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

Copying and pasting should work just fine, as long as you're not copying the plane and the object inside it.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Jason Merschat commented

You can use the command moveobject but the object and container reference have to be set with the node command. To get the reference you can use the Sampler (eye droper) inside the tree.


is equal to


Please look in the manual for the commands nodetomodelpath or nodetopath to get the paths to an object in the tree.

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Jason Merschat avatar image Jason Merschat commented ·

I can't seem to get it all the way up to the "root" level of model().

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Jason Merschat commented ·

Use model as the second parameter in the moveobject command:

treenode myObject = node("Level1/Level2/Level3/Processor2",model()); 
moveobject(myObject, model());

You can also use the Edit Selected Objects tool to move selected objects into another highlighted object or into the model.

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Jason Merschat avatar image Jason Merschat Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

Awesome! Thanks.

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long edited

Edit Selected Objects (found in the View menu) lets you move objects around both in the 3D view and in the tree.

Ctrl or Shift click objects to Select them (red box). The highlighted object is shown in a yellow box.

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