
Marta Pazos avatar image
Marta Pazos asked Steven Hamoen edited

How to incorporate attributes to the model

Hello everyone,

First of all, my apologies if this question is too basic but I am quite new to FlexSim and I’m finding some difficulties looking for tutorials that cover this topic.

I’m trying to build a model that performs operations based on the items attributes (For instance, different process times according to the items weight), so I assume I will need to configure beforehand all the attributes that I will need later on during the whole process (item’s weight, length, the belonging to a certain group and so on). The thing is, I would need every single item that goes through the model to have these attributes set so the model can make certain decisions based on them.

If anyone could give me an idea on how to incorporate these attributes into my model or even provide an example model that would be greatly appreciated.

Marta QP

FlexSim 16.2.1
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen edited

@Marta Pazos Please start with reading the tutorials, especially the ones about Labels. The tutorials can be found under: Help -> User Manual -> Contents. The 4th tutorial is about labels.

To give you a spoiler, labels can be created on the fly but also created on your flowitems in the flowitems bin, on the source that creates your objects or in every trigger around your model.

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