
Antonio Tartaglione avatar image
Antonio Tartaglione asked Antonio Tartaglione commented

pull strategy

I want build a model as in picture. There are 3 itemtypes processed on the cell1(assemblatore4_1:3) and on the cell2 (assemblatore5); the routings are:

item1: assemblatore 4 (50 min) ---> assemblatore 5 (20 min) --->sink1

item2: assemblatore 4 (50 min) ---> assemblatore 5 (20 min) --->sink2

item3: assemblatore 4 (50 min) --->sink3

I want set a pull strategy:

I want set a pull strategy: the sinks should pull the items from the cell's queues with a specific order in time taken from a profile of demand as follow:

thank you early

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pull strategy
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Antonio Tartaglione commented

One of the best tools to use when pulling specific items (by quantity, type, etc) is a List. When your items are put into the queues, push them to an Item List and then you can either set up the Processor's pull strategy to pull from the list, or you can use a Process Flow to set up the pull from list (this is what I recommend, as Process Flow gives you a little more direct control on the List Pull I feel.) Based on your description, it sounds like a Scheduled Source in your process flow would allow you make the item pulls occur at the set schedule you wish. When you pull from the list you can use a query (same syntax as an SQL query) in order to specify what exactly you want to pull when.

You can read up more about Lists in the manual's documentation.

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Antonio Tartaglione avatar image Antonio Tartaglione commented ·

Can you show me all the passages to solve my problem. I don t understand how can I pull from the rack the specific item that I want. The Items should be sequenced on the processors with a critical ratio. I'm new to flexsim and I need of this work in a few days please help me

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