
Jefferson Junio Santos avatar image
Jefferson Junio Santos asked Steven Hamoen commented

FlowItem Back to Queue

I have a doubt, is this is possible to do:

I insert a source, that for example Insert a Pallet in an Queue and after I Combine this Pallet with other FolowItem, after Finish my Process, I use the Separator to split this 2 items, but I need that this Pallet back to the your first Queue.

For Example if the Output in Source (Pallet) is 30, I need that all this 30 Pallet back to the First Queue

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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen commented

@Jefferson Junio Santos this is extremely easy. Just connect the correct output port from the separator to the input of the queue.

have you the tutorials in the manual?

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