
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Custom vs Process activity type

In the attached sample model, I want the nurse to use the IV when she goes to see the patient.

To do this I can't use a Process because I need to specify an equipment so I use a Custom type instead.

But when I do so, the nurse is not called to the job.

If I use Process, she is called to the job but then she doesn't use the IV.

Thanks for any help.custom-activity-type.fsm

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
healthcareflexsim hcpatient trackactivity types
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

What you're looking for is the Move Equipment > Process activity. This will bring the staff over with the equipment and then will delay for the processing time specified.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

OK that works. But how would I do it with the custom activity type? (as an example of how to use that type)

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Patrick Cloutier commented ·

Short answer: You'll probably never need to use it. Most users will only ever use it when they want to have a global process for Patient Rounds. In that case you configure the activity and then choose the Patient Rounds pickoption in the Activity Start Trigger.

Long answer: The custom activity type is an empty shell of an activity. What it gives you is all the logic for starting the activity (the activity can be started through predecessors or next activity, then the Activity Start Condition will be evaluated, and then if the start condition passed the Activity Start Trigger will be fired. It is up to the user to implement all the logic of the activity in the Activity Start Trigger. Any task sequences you want to have happen need to be written here. Configuring any of the fields, like the Staff Requirements, just makes this information available for you to use in your code. The staff are not allocated or told to do anything by default. The Patient Rounds pickoption is an example of the kind of code you would need to write in the trigger. Finally, to end the activity you need to send a MSG_ActivityFinished message to the patient (you can see this at the end of the Patient Rounds pickoption).

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