
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett answered

How is the Wait for Equipment computed in regard to waiting for elevators?

The reason for asking the question is that the waiting for elevator times "seem long" just watching the model. I tried to verify this time by looking at the time a patient spends at the node just before entering the elevator but could not find a way to do this. So my 2nd question is "How could I compute the times patient spend at a node?" Thanks, Tee

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
healthcarewaiting timeselevatorshealthcare hc
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Jeff Nordgren edited

@Tee Hiett,

It's computing it from the time the patient calls the elevator to the time the patient gets out of the elevator at the destination node. So it's including the travel time. You can see this if you click on the patient and watch its State field in the Statistics panel. It doesn't switch back to InTransit until the elevator trip is finished.

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Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett answered

Thanks, Matthew, As this is strictly an elevator project, we did not want to include the elevator travel time in the "Time Waiting for Elevator" so we used the On Allocated and On Pickup triggers of each elevator to put the wait time for each elevator into a global variable. We then used a data collector to collect data from the global variable. I've attached a copy of the model in case anyone is interested in examining the process. All comments are welcome. Thanks, Tee


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