
Xiu Z avatar image
Xiu Z asked tannerp commented

Patient Wait Times by Type chart

Is there a way to see how long each type of patient wait in the dashboard?


FlexSim 19.2.4
dashboardshealthcarewaiting timespatient labelspeople settings
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered tannerp commented


Let me try and summarize my earlier points. Hopefully this will make more sense after you've had a chance to read through some of the documentation.

  1. Any patient labels you want to reference later in a dashboard chart need to be declared in the Person Labels tab of the People Settings window.
  2. A Label Set is a user-defined list of labels that will be assigned to a patient when the patient is created with the Create Patient activity.
  3. Using the table found in the Person Labels tab of the People Settings window, you can define as many label sets (ie. rows) as you want, and as many labels (ie. columns) as you want. The value you put in the table cells will be the initial value assigned to the label for the patient that the label set is assigned to by the Create Patient activity.
  4. In the Create Patient activity you will specify the name of the Label Set that should be assigned to the patients that are created by the activity. The Create Patient activity is typically used in an Arrival (ie. General) process flow and linked to a specific Patient Flow as also defined in one of the fields of the Create Patient activity.
  5. You may choose to update patient labels with a value other than their initial value as defined in People Settings. This is best done using the Assign Labels activity early on in the Patient Flow. Immediately after the Scheduled Source activity typically found at the top of a Patient Flow, insert an Assign Labels activity and do it there.
  6. Do NOT mix up the assigning of labels to a token and the assigning of labels to the patient. In a Patient Flow (eg. PatientTrack), the token within the flow is referred to as "token" and the patient associated with an instance of the flow is referred to as "current". In some of the activities, an alias for "current" is "patient".
  7. I noticed you were assigning some labels to the token in your Scheduled Source named "Patient arrives" that I'm assuming you meant to assign to the patient. Use a separate Assign Labels activity to assign these labels to the "patient" or "current".
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King converted comment to answer

Yes, but you will first need to declare which label you want to use to define "patient type" in the People Settings window. Typically, an HC model will already have a PCI label and Acuity label declared as part of LabelSet1, but for some reason, your model does not have them. Perhaps you deleted them or began building this model as a standard FlexSim model? You might want to include them if not.

By default, the Create Patient activity assigns LabelSet1 to all patients it creates. You will probably want to add a new label to the set called "PtType" or something similar and then assign an appropriate value (can be numeric or string) to the patient in your model using the arrival process flow.

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