
Pert P avatar image
Pert P asked Jeanette F commented

Drug Collecting process flow


I need some help. I want to create process flow and run it under the details like

-Inter arrival time
-Number of Collectors with process time
-Number of verifiers (inspectors) with process time

The process start with incoming of order (Expression Exponential 20 orders/hour) and then into collecting process with processing time to complete each orders then next to verify process and then into sink ( completed process)

the purpose of this I want to evaluate manpower planning into the process

The help that Iw need

1.How to create simulation

2. Which dashboard should be used

FlexSim 22.2.0
dashboardshealthcareprocesss flowdrug process
drug.fsm (46.2 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

If your goal is simulate this entirely "virtually" (in Process Flow only), then I wouldn't use the HC environment, since it's Process Flow activities are build to control a 3d model.

In the default environment, you can use numeric resources to represent the staff. Both their quantity, as well as the process times can be controlled through parameters.

Which dashboards to use is something that you will have to determine yourself, based on what exactly you want to measure. A good indicator of well the system is working might be the backlog, meaning the amount of tokens that are waiting to acquire a worker. This can be easily plotted in a Content vs. Time graph of the acquire activities.


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

We had a similar model in our courses in the past. We had a production plant of 100 processing machines which run into breakdowns by statistical distribution. You can build a model that consists of 100 processors acting as a realistic plant structure. Then you can send operators for maintenance and repair to processors. But this Modell structure looks realistic, but it does not support an easy solution.

A different model structure leads to faster results. If you think of repair jobs being your tasks to work with, you can see them as items in a 3D model. A member of maintenance staff is replaced by a processor object. Each time a breakdown occurs an item is created and being processed on an available processor. In your scenario all processed items must be inspected. Then you collect them after first processing in a queue and send them to other processors for inspecting tasks.
Later you can optimize your results by choosing different send to port option for item distributions like random, random if available, and so on.
You can evaluate your data by staytime in queues and utilization of processors. You can connect more or even less processors in your model. You can add timetables, breakdowns, and setup times to simulate shifts, pauses and cleaning duties.

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