
Aditya Kamath avatar image
Aditya Kamath asked Ben Wilson commented

Experimenter feature unavailable.

I am currently using FlexSim 2016 connected to a license server. When I try to use the Experimenter, I get a message that says- "This feature is unavailable in this version.". I am sure that the version that I am currently using isn't an Express version since I don't have any model objects limit. Why then am I unable to access the Experimenter? Any help is greatly appreciated.

FlexSim 16.0.9
experimenterlicense server
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson commented

Hi @Aditya Kamath,

What does the about screen (main menu > Help > About FlexSim) say about your license status? A screenshot could be helpful.


Another thing to double check is try to open a tree view (from the main menu, press the Tree button).

If you receive the message that it is not available for you, then you don't have a license. In this case there may be a problem with FlexSim preventing it from showing the model limit indicator. Perhaps reinstalling FlexSim, or removing your prefs.t file could clear that up.


If you can open a tree view, but you still cannot open the Experimenter, then you could be encountering an edge case of FlexNet licensing.

FlexNet licensing is built around features. A product (FlexSim) is actually defined as a collection of features. You may have seen some of the FlexSim features in your vendor daemon logs, or in a standalone license they are listed when you view your license info. Some of the features include xmlsaveload, dragdropconnect, expertfit, createobjects, etc.

If there are other users accessing your license server, it is possible that some of them may have their FlexSim installations configured to only checkout license features for certain type of license:

Let's say you have a 3 seat network license, and 3 other people are currently using FlexSim. All the seats are in use, right? Well, what if one of them has selected to only checkout Runtime features? In that case, there will be a few features left over on the server.

Now, when a 4th user opens FlexSim, the software is able to get some features (like whatever feature makes it so that FlexSim does not display the model limit indicator), but not all the features (like the feature the Experimenter relies on is missing).

This is one possibility. You can check your vendor daemon logs to see if this is the issue. Essentially, all seats are in use.

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Aditya Kamath avatar image Aditya Kamath commented ·

THank you Ben! I reinstalled FlexSim 2016 this time to Update 2. I realized that the license that we have is configured to that specific version. It's working fine now!

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