
erik.g avatar image
erik.g asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to remove certain replications from results in Experimenter?

Hi all,

Shown below is a plot from the Results module in the Experimenter. For some reason, replications 39 and 53 do not show any results - this might be related to an issue posted earlier. However they do distort the computation of averages, std deviations and similar statistics. Is it possible to manually remove these two replications from the results menu?

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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Jason Lightfoot commented


Yes it is possible. After you have run the experiments look in the node "Tools/Experimenter/PerformanceMeasures" and you will see all of the performance measurements. Their data is stored in the "data" node inside of each performance measurement object. In that node you can remove the data for a specific run by deleting the associated node. After you remove the data points that are causing you issues you can refresh the analysis by closing and reopening the results from the experimenter GUI.

I hope this helps,


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