
Wang Yang avatar image
Wang Yang asked David Seo commented

problem occurs when importing CAD


The client imports CAD with dwg format into Flexsim2017.0.1 and then in model building area a grey frame shows as below.The computers with this problem are without CAD software installed on.It is fine for those computers with CAD installed on.We do not have a solution yet.We have not met this problem with our own computers.The client tried three computers which all shows grey frame.

Is it related with computer system environment pls?anything missed?

FlexSim 17.0.1
problem occurs when importing cad
pic1.jpg (34.4 KiB)
布局.dwg (78.0 KiB)
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David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered


Your dwg cad file can be imported without any error in v17.0.4.

I attach the imported model.



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Wang Yang avatar image
Wang Yang answered David Seo commented


Thank you for your reply~

For attached CAD ,we import into several computers and it works fine. Just one client met problem.Is it related with their encoded system? Also The client met another problem,when CAD size more than 1mb,FlexSim can not work fine. It is complicated to solve this problem.

@Ben Wilson
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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

Please check your client PC hardware spec. Especially check the graphic card memory size and compare computer memory size before & after running flexsim and importing cad file.

Your client PC looks like to have a problem.

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