
Blandine de Romémont avatar image
Blandine de Romémont asked Clair A edited

Operator pushing a trolley (taskexecuter) and doing task without trolley

Dear all,

I would like that the operator sometimes push a taskewxecuter with items on it, and other times execute task in a processor and leaving the taskexecuter at the place it is. So in the model to have the operator occupied when the taskexecuter is used.Is it possible to do that ?

FlexSim 17.0.4
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Allister Wilson commented

Controlling tasks of objects is much simpler in Process Flow. If you are unfamiliar with Process Flow, I recommend going through the tutorials in the manual. (User Manual > Tutorials > Process Flow) Particularly the lesson regarding Task Sequences would be helpful.

Here is a sample model of how you can control the tasks of trolleys and operators.

  1. First I set up the model so that items would arrive and be pushed onto a list.
  2. Next I set up the Process Flow so that the trolley and operator were set as resources, and a source that produces a single token, which pulls items from the item list and stores them into an array.
  3. Then I set up subflows to handle the activities of moving with the trolley, loading/unloading the trolley, and subflow where the operator will process the items (separate from the trolley)
  4. Then I set up the process flow to utilize those subflows in order to simulate an operator taking a trolley, loading it, taking it again, and unloading it at the processor, and processing the items unloaded. Then it repeats.


trolleyexample.fsm (31.6 KiB)
· 3
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Clair A avatar image
1 Like"
Clair A answered Clair A edited

If the trolley or the transpallet is not a limited resource, sometimes I just use a visual trick (see attached model).

1. Right click on an operator, Edit > Animations...
2. Add a new sub-component, rename it as Transpallet, browse for your 3D media and set its location:

3. In the Operator properties, Triggers tab:
  • OnReset: hide the transpallet (Code Snippet)
  • OnLoad: show the transpallet (Code Snippet) and set the location of the item to give the visual impression that it's on the transpallet
  • OnUnload: hide the transpallet (Code Snippet)

I've attached the 3D transpallet I've used in this model in case you want to rebuild this example to practice.

image.png (30.1 KiB)
image-1.png (36.4 KiB)
image-2.png (20.5 KiB)
transpalette.skp (350.5 KiB)
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