
Lucas Hermant avatar image
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Lucas Hermant asked Joerg Vogel commented

TE not released by FinishTS if task end during TE is stopped

Modele problème Finish TS avec OP en schedule down.fsm


We regurlarly encounter an issue that we would like to be fixed.

Current behaviour :

We have a taskExecuter

We have a ProcessFlow with a taskSequence controlling the taskExecuter

We have a TimeTable controlling the taskExecuter schedule, scheduling it down/up regularly.

During the process, the FinishTask activity is hit while the taskExecuter is in ScheduleDown (StopObject).

When scheduled up again (ResumeObject), the taskExecuter is still considered allocated despite the token having already elft the FinishTask activity.

Expected behaviour :

The taskExecuter is correctly released even during scheduled down.
When scheduled up, is should be displayed as idle, and be available to receive new task sequences.

Workaround :

Put a 0 delay task activity that will not be able to be completed until the taskExecuter is resumed, guarrantiing that the FinishTask activity will never be hit during a scheduleDown.

This situation can happen :

- When we allocate multiple task Executers but with different time tables.

- When a main process is ongoing, that can sometimes allocate taskExecuters without giving them explicit tasks, just tome make sure they are available.

Model with the issue provided.

Could it be possible to fix this issue / behaviour ?

Best regards,


FlexSim 24.0.8
timetablestaskexecuterfinish task sequence
· 1
5 |100000

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