
Kathryn McNeal avatar image
Kathryn McNeal asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to set a time table as a variable in experimenter

I want to run experimenter with the time table that the operators follow as a variable. I have created two different time tables and have tried to put each in for a total of two different scenarios, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to do this, or do I have to run experimenter two separate times?

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long edited

The Experimenter allows you to Enable or Disable Time Tables for each scenario. Set your Time Tables up so that the Operators are added to both of your time tables. I have one set to Enabled and one set to Disabled.

Then in the Experimenter add two 'Enable Time Table' variables (click the down arrow to the left of the green plus button), one for each Time Table.

Set each Time Table to either be enabled or disabled for each scenario. That should do it for you.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Felix Möhlmann commented

So the current way to do this is to create a different timetable representing the different scenarios and configurations you want to try. Then in the experimenter use the "Enable Time Table" variable choice from the drop down menu. And in the value for each scenario, either put a 1 (that timetable is enabled) or a 0 (that timetable is disabled.)

It should look something like this:

· 2
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