
elizabeth.l avatar image
elizabeth.l asked Matt Long answered

partition input dashboard for list

I have a very simple model attached that has 2 scheduled sources. On creates a token at time 0 and then waits to pull from a list by partition. The 2nd schedule creates a token at time 10, pushes the token, same partition, to the list. Both tokens then go to a sink.

My question is about the dashboard. Why does the list input dashboard in the attached model correctly list that 1 token entered the list, but if I use the partition input statistic, it doesn't show that single token?


FlexSim 17.0.2
list partition dashboard
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered

By default, list partitions are deleted when they are emptied, which also destroys the stats on that partition. To keep this data, open the List Properties by clicking on the Advanced tab of the List. Go to the General Tab and check the box Keep Empty Partitions.

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